Hello NurseWatch Family, Community and New Clients,
Welcome to NurseWatch Healthcare. I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and in good health. Please take a couple of minutes to read our COVID-19 information announcement.
Our purpose at NurseWatch is to care for people and allow them to be their best. It is that simple, and it is the centre of everything we do. With the recent unsettling times, NurseWatch looks into the future and towards COVID-19 (coronavirus) management and recovery.
NurseWatch wants to help you experience the joy of our holistic health care with a stronger presence on safety and wellbeing. We have taken comprehensive measures to implement guidelines as directed by the Australian Government Department of Health Guidelines.
If you are a new client we respectfully request you to follow our 5 step process:
1. Download the COVid-19 App
The Australian Government has released an app to help in contact tracing people who may have been exposed to COVID-19. The COVIDSafe app helps find close contacts of COVID-19 cases by utilising your smartphone’s Bluetooth capabilities to determine whether you have been in close physical contact with someone who has tested positive to COVID-19. COVIDSafe is completely voluntary.
2. Read and understand the Public Health Order, ‘What you Must Do Under New Coronavirus Rules’, dated 6 July 2020: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/diseases/Documents/easy-read-pho-directions.pdf
3. If you feel unwell, please click on the symptom checker tool link below and follow the prompts:
• https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/symptom-checker/tool
4. The latest Australian Government Information: As socially responsible citizens, it is important that we keep abreast of the daily updates of each respective state. The link below provides current updates.
5. Welcoming New Clients to join the NurseWatch Community.
Please contact our office on 02-9331 3344 to book a health consultation with one of our Health Concierge Clinicians.
All resources supplied are available in different languages, however, are defaulted to English. Please follow prompts on website to preferred language
To assist you please refer to government links below:
• Older Persons COVID-19 Support Line Phone 1800 171 866 open 8.30 am - 6.00pm weekdays (AEST) free of charge. Supported by COTA, Dementia Australia, National Seniors Australia, OPAN and the Australian Government Department of Health https://www.facebook.com/opanaus/videos/704485933707079/
• General Information: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/collections/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-resources
• Advice for people who are at greater risk: risk: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/collections/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-resources
• Understanding COVID-19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtN-goy9VOY&feature=youtu.be
• Understanding the difference between a Pandemic, Epidemic-endemic and an Outbreak: https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/topics/live-well/2020/04/whats-the-difference-between-a-pandemic-an-epidemic-endemic-and-an-outbreak/
• WHO (World Health Organisation) Information: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019 & https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/myth-busters
For our existing clients, your Health Concierge Clinician has been in touch to discuss your personalised healthcare journey through COVID-19, with NurseWatch practice of policy and procedure recommendations guided by the Australian Government.
As each of our client’s healthcare journey is individual, please find below information and resources.
Throughout the COVID-19 recovery phase and beyond, NurseWatch will continue to provide and manage your individual care needs, safety and wellbeing. Your holistic healthcare will continue to be provided through our premium services and LiveitUp® Model of Care.
If you require further information regarding our COVID-19 approach, please refer to Beyond Blue website and ’10 Ways to Look After Yourself’. An excellent resource.
• Beyond Blue Telephone: 1800 512 348
For our LGBTI Community:
• https://www.acon.org.au/what-we-are-here-for/covid19/
Positive Life NSW – Getting practical about COVID-19 and HIV:https://www.positivelife.org.au/latest-news/covid19-resources.html
• Or phone (02) 9206 2000 or 1800 063 060 for confidential counselling
ACON/naphwa/ashm/afao: Making sense of COVID-19 – LGBTIQ and HIV communities:https://www.acon.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/AFAO-NAPWHA-ASHM-Fact-Sheet-COVID-19-9-March-2020_ACON.pdf
For our Trans and gender diverse people:
TransHub – Australia’s first digital information/resource platform for trans and gender diverse people in NSW, their families, and health providers. Created by trans people, for trans people. This is their COVID-19 specific information: https://www.transhub.org.au/covid19
For our Cognitive Impairment Community:
• https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/our-work/cognitive-impairment/cognitive-impairment-and-covid-19
Dementia :
Dementia Australia – Coronavirus – tips for people living with dementia: https://www.dementia.org.au/sites/default/files/helpsheets/DA_COVID19_Helpsheet_04_PLWD-v2.pdf
For our Community languages/CALD community:
Disability : Disability Information Helpline: 1800 643 787
Council for Intellectual Disability – Easy-read coronavirus information:https://cid.org.au/covid-19/
Australian Department of Health – information for family, carers and health workers supporting people with disability during the COVID-19 pandemic:https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/advice-for-people-at-risk-of-coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-for-people-with-disability
The Growing Space – COVID-19 hub: www.thegrowingspace.com.au/covid19/
For our Carers:
CarerHelp – COVID-19 information and resources for carers: factsheets and infographics with practical information, pointers, and resources. The resources discuss how to care for a person at home and hospital, as well as arranging funerals and managing grief. Pointers on using telehealth to consult with a health professional, and selecting trustworthy online information are also presented:https://www.carerhelp.com.au/tabid/6001/Default.aspx
For our Families:
Health Consumers NSW have developed a guide to support families when visiting their loved one.
Wearing Masks:
Wear a mask if it is hard to maintain 1.5 metres of physical distance from others. Also wear a mask if you have symptoms and are seeking medical advice, or if you are in isolation in the same room as another person.
Video produced by the Australian Department of Health
Mask Wearing Fact Sheet:
Masks are increasingly being recommended within Australia as well as globally. In some areas they are now mandatory. But it is important to understand why many of us with trauma histories may be triggered when we are asked to wear a mask, or even when we see them. An excellent resource.
Cancer Council NSW – Cancer and COVID-19 hub:https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/get-support/covid-19/
Bowel Cancer Australia – COVID-19 & Bowel Cancer:https://www.bowelcanceraustralia.org/media-centre/covid-19-bowel-cancer
American Prostate Cancer Foundation: https://www.pcf.org/covid-19/
Kidney health
Kidney Health Australia – COVID-19 and dialysis, transplants etc:https://kidney.org.au/about-us/news/coronavirus-covid-19
Palliative Care:
COVID-19 Resources for Carers; Information for anyone caring for a person at end of life during COVID-19 pandemic – factsheets:https://www.carerhelp.com.au/tabid/6001/Default.aspx
Heart disease
Australian Heart Foundation – COVID-19 and heart disease, all you need to know:https://campaigns.heartfoundation.org.au/covid-19/
Australian Heart Research Institute – COVID-19 and heart health:www.hri.org.au/health/your-health/lifestyle/covid-19-and-heart-health
iCanQuit – COVID-19 and smoking FAQ:www.icanquit.com.au/reasons-to-quit/covid-19-and-tobacco-smoking-faq
We are happy to assist. Although we highly recommend you listen to OPAN Older Person's Advocacy Network webinair before making your final decision in consultation with your loved one.
If you would like to review the slides, please click on the link below
We understand that COVID-19 has created uncertainty in aged care and that you may think it appropriate to take your loved one out of their aged care home. If you or someone you know needs assistance or is considering this, call OPAN on 1800 700 600.
• NurseWatch Healthcare front, middle and back office staff are working in ways that support social distancing. https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2020/03/coronavirus-covid-19-information-on-social-distancing.pdf. Due to the change in our working environment, we respectfully request that you are patient with your inquiries. If there is an emergency, please phone 000.
• NurseWatch Healthcare staff are working in ways to keep ourselves, colleagues, community, and clients safe. Our staff are 100% compliant with ISO 9001:2016 regulatory requirements.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on +61448 885 201.
On behalf of our NurseWatch Healthcare family thank you for your support.
Kind regards
Kate Spurway, CEO
Need to book more than once? Not a problem, you can add the same package multiple times.
Once you complete the booking form simply click add Multi Care and add as many packages as you require at different or sequential times.
Choose the time block that best fits your care requirements.
Select your preferred specialist Compassionaire and pick the date & time of day that works for you.
Look forward to receiving an automatic booking confirmation with your own unique Wellness Itinerary. Simply click Multi Care to add extra care options in the one booking.
Our aged care wellness approach transcends traditional aged care models by focusing on holistic well-being and the impact this can have on life.
As Health and Wellness specialists, we encourage, and support you in shifting the focus away from illness and towards vitality, looking at proactive prevention as well as treatment. As part of each Wellness Package, we invite our clients to experience a form of natural therapy, decided upon together, and embedded with rich health benefits.
2 hrs
Empower and educate our Heroes and those who care for them. Our sessions focus on providing the knowledge and tools to achieve optimal health through the food we eat.
1.5 hrs
Using Swedish Relaxation Massage and Kinesiology Practices, we guide every client towards a more balanced unity of mind and body. Includes Consultation and Massage.
2 hrs
Unique and empowering Coaching sessions geared toward helping our Heroes as they manoeuvre through the ever-changing aspects of their elderly lives.
2 hrs
Our naturopathy service incorporates herbal medicine, nutrition and lifestyle techniques to enhance the wellness of your hero.
2 hrs
We offer a free consultation with one of our highly experienced Registered Nurses for our first time clients. This involves determining the care needs of your Hero and creating a plan to assist with meeting those needs. We will walk you through your options step-by-step.
2 hrs
We offer a free consultation with one of our highly experienced Registered Nurses for our first time clients. This involves determining the care needs of your Hero and creating a plan to assist with meeting those needs. We will walk you through your options step-by-step. our LGBTI concierge is trained specifically to assist those in the LGBTI community.
2 hrs
End of Life Doulas accompany the individual and their loved ones through the final months, weeks and days of life – right up until the time death occurs, as well as after death care and into the deep mourning process. This support can be at home or within a hospital or aged care facility.
4 hrs
In order for NurseWatch to tailor and manage the best level of care and support for you and your loved ones – our team will undertake an initial consultation to assess and evaluate day-to-day life, physical and medical needs, social and wellness requirements, as well as the environmental and safety elements of the surrounds.
14 hrs
Preserving your's or a loved one’s life journey and story for future generations can be a cherished gift to family and friends and can also be cathartic for the individual.
When we share our stories, values, experiences, beliefs and journeys, we provide insight that others may wish to know but never knew to ask. This profoundly personal journey can be complied using artefacts, a written story, an audio recording, a video, letters, a memory box, an album or any format that you desire.**
14 hrs
We all have stories, and preserving a loved one’s life journey and story for future generations can be a cherished gift to family, friends and future generations and can also be cathartic for the individual.
When we share our stories, values, experiences, beliefs and journeys, we provide insight that others may wish to know but never knew to ask. This profoundly personal journey can be complied using artefacts, a written story, an audio recording, a video, letters, a memory box, an album or any format that you desire.**
“The greatest source of discouragement is the conviction that one is unable to do something" Marie Montessori. Our premium Care Packages are carried out by relaxed, confident, and highly skilled Compassionaires focused on empowering heroes to remain independent at home, and in everyday tasks. We also provide help and support to the primary care giver, creating genuine long-term working relationships and a trustworthy point of contact they can turn to at any time.
2 hrs
Short term care to help with activities of daily living, specific tasks, complex clinical care and home maintenance.
4 hrs
Half day care to help with activities of daily living, specific tasks, complex clinical care and home maintenance.
6 hrs
Lengthened care to help with activities of daily living, a multitude of tasks, complex clinical care and home maintenance.
8 hrs
Full day care to help with activities of daily living, a multitude of tasks, complex clinical care and home maintenance.
If you value the quality of the NurseWatch service as much as our long term clients do and we have inspired you to book regular wellness care packages throughout the year, we'd love to reward you.
Ask us howWe’re here to help and support you and your family at every stage of your loved one's health care journey.
Email admin@nursewatch.com.au